Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Textile Week

New materials, innovative production processes, smart technologies: Current developments in textile design offer a preview of what will influence and shape our society and all industrial sectors in the coming decades. After all, textiles don't only play an important role in the fashion world, they also serve as valuable raw material in many other areas. This relevance will be our focus at Textile Week 2024 at the Design Zentrum Hamburg.

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20 aus 23

What moves Hamburg's up-and-coming designers, what issues do the city's design colleges address? Every year we show the twenty best design theses, nominated by representatives of the respective Hamburg universities and academies. We present young perspectives on topics such as the climate crisis, resource conservation, feminism or diversity and thus offer a stage to Hamburg's young academic designers. The exhibition is accompanied by a supporting programme in which we invite you to exchange ideas with agencies and companies about talent recruiting and the job market of the future.

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Portfolio Consulting

Good advice doesn't always have to be expensive. In our free portfolio consultation, we offer you customised and personal feedback in a 1:1 conversation with industry experts. Whether you work for a company, a publishing house or are self-employed, our experts will take the time to answer your questions. The consultation is aimed at students, vocational students and graduates of creative degree programmes. Contact us now and learn what really matters for your portfolio.

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Portfolio Slam

It takes a convincing portfolio to get assignments and jobs at publishing houses, design, digital or advertising agencies. But what makes a good portfolio is often not obvious to design students and young professionals. The viewing process takes place behind closed doors, feedback is usually not given. It is often not directly understandable which course of study fits which job profile. Yet many agencies are desperately looking for qualified young professionals and specialists. With the regular Portfolio Slam, we shed light on this and award young designers with their portfolios.

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Design Thirstday

Thirsty? Der Design Thirstday ist Branchentreff und Get-together im Design Zentrum Hamburg. An ausgewählten Donnerstagen wird hier der Thursday zum Thirstday. Dann kann die Hamburger Designszene ihren Durst nach gutem Design, spannenden Impulsen und wertvollen Kontakten stillen. Gern mit Drink in der Hand. Das Design Zentrum versteht sich seit Anfang an als Treffpunkt, Netzwerk und Plattform für Hamburger Designer*innen – und darüber hinaus. Der Design Thirstday führt diese Idee fort.

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Portfolio Slam

It takes a convincing portfolio to get assignments and jobs at publishing houses, design, digital or advertising agencies. But what makes a good portfolio is often not obvious to design students and young professionals. The viewing process takes place behind closed doors, feedback is usually not given. It is often not directly understandable which course of study fits which job profile. Yet many agencies are desperately looking for qualified young professionals and specialists. With the regular Portfolio Slam, we shed light on this and award young designers with their portfolios.

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Hamburg Design Talks

One evening, one topic, two perspectives. Once a month, two speakers from the design industry give insights into their work and design-related topics in talks and project presentations in front of an audience. The format is as diverse as the design disciplines from which the speakers come. There is a lot to see - and questions and discussions are expressly encouraged.

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Silberstreifen Award

With the Silberstreifen Award, we honour Hamburg designers and teams who address the big questions of our time, from digitalisation to sustainability and pandemics. Because we are convinced that designers make an important contribution with their means, methods and possibilities. They provide creative impulses and drive the necessary change with concrete projects. The award-winning projects receive financial support, are supported in their further development and are presented to the public at the Design Zentrum Hamburg.

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Für junge Labels und Freiberufliche ist eine Messebeteiligung oft mit sehr hohen Kosten verbunden. Eine Teilnahme als einzelne Person bedeutet hohe Risiken und kommt dadurch selten infrage. Aus diesem Grund stellt das Design Zentrum einen Gemeinschaftsstand auf der Nordstil bereit, auf dem wir zusammen mit ausgewählten Hamburger Labels unsere Arbeit vorstellen. Ein echtes Erfolgsmodell: Den Designer*innen bietet sich über mehrere Tage die Gelegenheit Networking zu betreiben, bestehende Kontakte zu pflegen und in persönlichen Gesprächen zu überzeugen.

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