Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft
Weitere Initiativen der Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft

Design office hour

What is it about?

Want feedback on your project? You are looking for networking opportunities with like-minded people or other disciplines? You want to further your education or open up new markets for yourself? You can't find what fits your situation in the forest of offers?

Annika Fitz helps with her expertise as a designer and project manager to define individual challenges and development plans. Depending on your needs, she will give you feedback on your project and/or refer you to suitable workshops, coaching, qualification or other support programs offered by Hamburg Kreativ Gesellschaft. The consultation also gives you the opportunity to network with other actors and initiatives in the creative industries in Hamburg and beyond.

P.S.: The office hours do not include style or portfolio consulting. However, if you are looking for such an offer, we recommend our free portfolio consultation.

Who can register?

From graduates to designers: the Design Sprechstunde is an open orientation offer for all designers in Hamburg.

How does the appointment work?

The Design Sprechstunde always takes place by phone on Tuesdays from 16:00 to 17:30. To register, you can simply send Annika Fitz a short email with your request and contact details.

How can I register?

Write an email to . She will get in touch with you.

Make an appointment with:

Get to work

Business coach, designer or lawyer: In our magazine we share tips from experts that make your work easier.

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